Space10 invited FIELD.IO to research the possibilities of integrating blockchain technologies into everyday household objects for IKEA. If one could materialize the supply chain journey your possessions took to your living room, would that change your perception of them and your future purchasing behavior?


What if we could see in AR where an object comes from, what it is made of, and what it can be repurposed for when it’s primary use wears out – scrolling through an object’s history like a product signature; connecting physical objects with an augmented timeline of their lifespan.


Revealing how big an impact a tiny detail can have.

The MULA toy crane with blocks is only made from 2 materials: solid beech wood (stained and covered in clear lacquer), and a neodymium magnet. Wooden toys give us a good feeling, but the smallest component, the magnet, has the highest energy cost due to its multi-step production process.